Housing Association Roundtable 27/04/2021
2020 saw unprecedented challenges for a housing sector that supports millions of people across the UK. Continuing to be able to provide services, help and advice amidst COVID-19 restrictions saw providers and their staff adapting to these changing circumstances.
On the 27th April 2021 we will be inviting a select number of leaders in Housing Associations across the UK to share best practice in employee listening in a specially convened roundtable event, hosted by Donna Hamilton, Director of Client Success at Peachy Mondays.
We are delighted to be joined by : –

Gaynor Morris
Executive Director of People

Deborah Taggart
HR Manager

The roundtable will discuss how the sector has adapted to ensure employees are informed, connected and heard.The key discussion topics will include: –
• Using employee listening to keep employees and residents safe
• Connecting employees working remotely
• Challenges in keeping vital services running
• Managing testing and support vaccine rollout.
To apply for a space, please contact scott.mills@peachymondays.com by 9th April 2021.
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